Getting Started With Triathlon

Use this guide to help you getting started with your triathlon journey. You will find links to resources and videos on various techniques from swimming, biking and running as well as how to prepare for your race and how to navigate the transitions.

The Tools We Use

We will recommend what we see it works for us. As main component of your training you will be using TrainingPeaks, the world class platform for Triathlon, Running and Biking training. Here is the basic guide on how to use TrainingPeaks. You can also watch the video below.

Training Peaks User Guide

Coach Support

As soon as you start training with us, you have a team of coaches ready to answer your questions via email during the first use of your plan. Contact your Coach. We speak 🇪🇸 Spanish too :) .

Join Our Community

Triathlon is not easy and it takes a lot of effort. What better to do it with a supporting community at hand ? Join our community in Facebook.

Ready to reach your peak performance ?

Get a plan, join our community and get coach support throughout your training