Koha Coach Support

Do you need help, have questions with your plan or training ?

When you buy a plan from Koha, we will provide you with free coach support during the first use of your plan. Athletes get paired with a coach for the duration the plan. You can keep and reuse the plan as many times you want. We will support you by email. Contact your coach for questions.

Frequently asked questions by athletes

  • How I navigate my plan during an injury/illness or travel ?
  • How to make changes to adjust to my A or B races ?
  • How do I setup my training zones ?
  • how I change the training schedule due to certain events ?

What is not contemplated ?

  • Making directly adjustment to your training schedule
  • Calculating your training zones. You can use our calculator
  • Give nutrition advise.
  • Make an analysis of your training

Do you need help directly with TrainingPeaks ?

Athletes can also access our extensive library of content that will help them on their journey from beginners to advanced.

Another important support pillar is the community. Engage early and often. Endurance sports is usually a lonely sport, but the support of a community enhance the experience. Join us at our Facebook Group.

Ready to reach your peak performance ?

Get a plan, join our community and get coach support throughout your training